Vor einigen Jahren habe ich mich intensiv mit der Frage beschäftigt: Wie können sich Kulturen und Strukturen von Organisationen weiter entwickeln, so dass
- die Kultur sich verstärkt in Richtung "Entwicklung" bewegt, also die Entwicklung von Personen ein Zweck der Organisation wird, "Lernen" im weitesten Sinne ein selbstverständliches Prinzip wird,
- und gleichzeitig die Strukturen und Prozesse "agiler" werden
The central idea of SDO is quite simple:
- Many organizations are setting out becoming agile, but a lot of them run into trouble.
- And many more know they should become more agile - but they are looking for a safe path towards agility.
- This is what SDO is trying to accomplish. A safe way, evolutionary rather than revolutionary.
The central assumptions are:
- If you want to approach self-organization / agility etc., make small steps.
- For each step towards self-organization our systems need one step towards development of people and culture.
Our SDO Map tries to tell you a story about the safe path - here until you get to a place we call "Selfmanagement".
The concept behind the map is a matrix: The columns describe steps towards self-organization, the rows describe increasing development.
The assumptions:
- If we want our organisation to survive and prosper in the future we need to move away from micromanagement (the most left column) to the right.
- If we want to make a step towards more agility we better make a step towards development first, otherwise we might end up with people feeling overwhelmed and dangerous conflicts.
- The green arrows symbolize the idealized safe path. The SDO Model offers tested tools for each step.
Download the playbook to learn more about the tools for each step.
English: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yvAg_v6wu3HicPJSaGbiHRyfcjPYDdB3/view?usp=sharing
German / Deutsch: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fpkv9YDwpROEONF7q3gFrCFMJOqgr2_S/view?usp=drive_link
Vertiefung Deutsch: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TQSoC9juLjlPaiuLSRKfPTsZdD2LHSXp/view?usp=drive_link